You can implement it by create a cc.TiledMapAsset
object with your tmx file data. But there is a limitation: the image & tsx files used by the tmx file should be in the assets of your project. The logic will be look like this:
// loadFileFromServer should be replaced by actual method which can load file data from server.
var mapNode = this.node;
loadFileFromServer(TMX_URL, function (err, data) {
var tmxAsset = new cc.TiledMapAsset();
tmxAsset.tmxXmlStr = data;
// RELATIVE_PATH_OF_IMAGES is a relative path to the assets folder.
tmxAsset.tmxFolderPath = RELATIVE_PATH_OF_IMAGES;
// IMAGE_NAMES is a array which contains all the image files name used by tmx.
var imgPaths = IMAGE_NAMES.map(function(imgName) {
return RELATIVE_PATH_OF_IMAGES + '/' + imgName;
cc.loader.load(imgPaths, function() {
var map = mapNode.addComponent(cc.TiledMap);
map.tmxAsset = tmxAsset;
Hope it's helpful!